About Olive

starting off well
For decades or most of my life (!), I have been “health conscious”. That meant choosing the right foods, staying fit & active, and living in a ‘clean’ environment.
I remember when I was about 10 years old, I was sitting at the dinner table with my mom and brother. After the meal was finished, they decided to have ice cream but I chose select an apple from the frig bin. What 10 year old child does that?
As soon as I could escape the city where I grew up, I chose to live in small towns and national parks where there was clean air and a multitude of natural environments to explore & be active.
I could never go back to a major big city. I needed to be near water and green spaces.

Health Issues
happens to all of us
But…. As life has it, it’s hard to escape stress and the multitude of toxins in our world. And these eventually caught up with me, in spite of my healthy living. I developed gut bloating & issues, skin rashes, mood changes, and low energy. I just didn’t have the energy or drive to hike or bike anymore. Conventional medicine doctors could not find anything wrong or ‘fix’ the symptoms.
Luckily I discovered Integrative Health and Functional Medicine Lab testing.
My liver was overflowing in waste products. With an everyday onslaught of toxins, my (and most) livers can not keep up. I followed a 21-day liver detox – one that addressed both phase 1 and phase 2 of detoxing. And wow, what a difference. I felt so alive, light, and energetic again.
At the same time, I found out that my many food sensitivities and other symptoms all have a root cause in my gut health. I had a over abundance of candida, yeast, and bacteria (yes too much good bacteria too). This was causing a leaky gut – where proteins & waste leak into the blood stream. I followed a 12-week protocol to eliminate the overgrowth and balance my digestive system. And what a difference – life changing. I am back to my happy, energetic, active self – enjoying life with vitality.

Hip Surgery
easy if you are healthy
In 2020, I found I needed a hip replacement surgery. A few years previous, I had fallen off my bicycle and landed on my right hip. I’m sure this injury led to my hip deterioration. Anyhow, the surgery was amazing and my recovery was swift. I was out of the hospital the same day and was walking within 2 hours of the surgery.
But my most memorable part of the experience was the night before the surgery, I had a call with anesthesia doctor. As he reviewed my health records, he exclaimed that I was “ridiculously healthy”; and that I should keep doing whatever I was doing. I was thrilled that my lifelong wellness habits were now paying off & showing as I age.

Living the Life
at any age
My day starts with a yoga & mediation practice, which I also teach to share these powerful traditions. And I thrive in being active, hiking, biking, & skiing in the incredibly beautiful lake & mountain area in British Columbia where I live. Indoors, my art passion takes me to my easel where I 'get into the timeless zone' of pastel painting. View my work.
I don’t heed to the excuse of being “too old”. I believe you can do anything you set your mind to, be healthy at any age, and live your life fully. I am a continuous learner and always enriching my knowledge & wellbeing with new courses.
I am so pleased and grateful to be ‘ridiculously healthy’ at my age. Folks have always guessed my age to be 10-20 years younger than reality too – which I love & thrive on.
My Goal

To Pass It On
Health Coach - Integrative Health Practitioner
Now I want to help other women 50+ to find the root causes of symptoms, balance their bodies, to be healthy, & have the vitality to enjoy life. To Jump With Joy everyday.
I believe it all starts with you, and how you think and feel which motivates your action.
My favourite saying is: “You don’t stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing”.
Let's Connect
Email me at: olive@olivedodd.com
Olive Dodd
IHP2, IHPM - Integrative Health Practitioner Level 1, 2 & Mastery
RYT500, CYA-MT - Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher

I am not a medical doctor, I am an Integrative Health Practitioner and I help women like you, using a wholistic & Functional Medicine approach to identify toxicities & deficiencies, and to get to the root cause of your health issues. I do NOT diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.