Welcome to Your Health Coaching Spot
My goal is to support you towards your best health ever - so that you feel vitality & love to dance again.
This may mean helping you get well, ensure longevity, lose weight, increase your energy, sleep better, balance your digestive issues, or just improve your overall wellness so that you jump with joy everyday.
Your symptoms expressing themselves is the way your body asks for help. Listen to the nuances of your body & tune into the messages to see what's going on before a big red flag screams at you.
Listen to the whispers of your body before they are screams.
One way to reach your goals is to deep dive into the root causes of your symptoms with a lab test.
"Test don't guess". There is always a root cause.
Or perhaps you know what do to, but have a hard time getting into action because it is overwhelming or life gets in the way. As an Integrative Health Practitioner, I can provide ongoing support & lifestyle guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes in your everyday life to improve your wellness to be happy, healthy, longer.
If you are looking to transform, learn, be heard and heal, then I am here for you on your health journey. Feel empowered by taking control of your health and feeling amazing.
Every journey must start with the first step.
Integrative Health Practitioners are truly integrative in all aspects of health
Protocols include custom plans for:
- Diet
- Exercise
- Stress Reduction
- Toxin Removal
- Rest & Sleep
- Emotional Balance
- Supplements
- Success Mindset
Protocols draw from the best of 7 sciences:
- Ayurvedic Medicine
- BioRegulatory Medicine
- Traditional Chinese Medicine & Herbs
- Eastern Philosophy
- Traditional Naturopathy
- OrthoMolecular Medicine
- Functional Medicine
Limited Time
Introductory Pricing
$300 for 3 months, 4 sessions
Payment plan of $100 for 3 months
$90 for 60 minutes
$60 for 60 minutes

Get Started with Health Coaching

30 Minute FREE Discovery Call - New Clients
Are you curious about how a health coach works, or how they can help you, or if your health concerns warrant a coach?
Use this session to talk about your issues, concerns, questions, and whether we are a good fit for each other.
You will also receive an overview of how we will work together and what to expect from a health coach.
This is the absolute best way to start your journey and there is no commitment on your part to continue. However, it would be my pleasure if I can help you feel better, live longer, be happier.

Jump With Joy Wellness Program - 3 Months, 4 Sessions
Your symptoms & trees have roots. Let's get to the root cause of your health issues so we can remove the toxicities, replace the deficiencies so you can finally get your health back & live better, stronger, longer.
You receive an concierge style of coaching with a personalized plan for your wellness needs based on what your health goals are. I guide you throughout the entire process by keeping in close contact with email support & direct messaging.
The package includes: 4 zoom sessions, pdf guides, customized diet, exercise & supplement plans, & lifestyle enhancements.
This offering is the best value for your health & wallet. Still curious, see more information below.

Single Optimize Session - New Clients
Are you ready to break through any barriers you're experiencing with your health? Use this session to talk about your concerns, determine what is holding you back, and alter your action plan to move forward.
We'll look at your diet, exercise, supplements, stress levels, sleep, lifestyle, and overall mindset. It all starts with filling out an online Health Questionnaire where you provide your details on your main issues. Then we'll schedule a session.
- 60 minute Zoom consultation
- Integrative Health Assessment & Recommendations
- Applicable PDF handouts
- Email support for 2 weeks following the session

Single Mastery Session - Existing Clients
This is designed for previous clients who would like to build on the progress we've made already or for those who have fallen off the plan.
We can talk about what's going on and tweak your existing plan or get you back on track. Start with reviving your Health Questionnaire with your new issues.
I care about you & your success. Let's make this work as a new lifestyle.
- 60 minute Zoom consultation & recommendations
- Applicable PDF handouts
- Email support for 2 weeks following the session
Deeper Dive Into
Jump With Joy Wellness Program
The Jump with Joy Wellness 3-month Program is a robust clinically proven method to guide you to greater wellness. It is step-by-step care to ensure your learning, accountability, and ultimately improve your well-being.
You didn't get here overnight; You won't change overnight.
True health is about enjoying a life full of energy, vitality, and optimal wellness. Just surviving is not good enough.
I want you to thrive, have heaps of energy, and love being alive to experience all the joy.
Thrive don't just survive.
Program Highlights
We believe this program to be the highest level of care for your wellness, weight-loss and anti-aging needs.
How the 3 Months, 4 Sessions Work
Week 1
60 minute call discussing your intake questionnaire, main health goals, lab suggestions, & initial recommendations.
Week 6
60 minute call with lab results explained, personal recommendations, wellness protocol, & pdf handouts for reference.
Week 10
30-45 minute in-depth follow up for your progress review, answer questions and program adjustments.
Week 14
30-45 minute in-depth follow up for your progress review, answer questions, program adjustments, and maintenance phase.
Take Action & Design your Lifestyle to Thrive
I am committed to helping you find the underlying root causes to you health issues, and determining the protocol that will finally get you health back.
Let me guide you to the coaching program best suited to assist you on your health success journey and...
Please arrange a 30 minute complimentary call with me. I look forward to connecting with you.

If you decide to more forward with our partnership for your wellness, you will be guided through the process to complete a detailed health questionnaire so I can completely understand your history, lifestyle, & where you are at today.
Before our first discovery call, please feel free to complete my Toxin Load Quiz.
Are you ready for a serious investment in yourself ?

Does this sound like you
Exhausted at night & wake up tired
Overwhelmed by life
Symptoms your doctor can't explain or help with
Lost hope on feeling well
Feel unheard
Are you looking to
Find root causes
Feel well & vibrant
Have more joy & happiness
Positive mindset
Have energy to enjoy life
Coaching is for you if
Ready to leap to new heights
Ready to commit to yourself
Understand challenges can be hard but worth it
Ready to unload the toxins & poor health
Ready for change
Not for you if
Can not put yourself first
Afraid to try new things
You give up easily
Not ready for honest feedback
Won't take responsibility
Functional Medicine Lab Tests
Labs make the difference !
Functional Medicine Lab Tests make you empowered with knowledge to help you make decisions on your health.
Functional Medicine means using state-of-the-art lab testing to pinpoint underlying root causes. And done all at-home.
Knowledge is Power. Test don't Guess.
These are just a few of the available labs.
Candida, Metabolic, Vitamins
How well is your digestive system functioning, getting all your vitamins, how's your energy, mood, gut microbial balance.
Mineral & Metals
Mineral levels, electrolytes for energy assessment. Tired & stressed, nervous system on overdrive.
Stress, Mood & Metabolism
Hormone levels & balance, lowered mood, weight gain, cortisol levels, thyroid, adrenals.
Food Sensitivity
So many issues start in the gut & with some foods that we eat. All have a huge impact on health.
Omega 3
Often an overlooked biomarker. With a >9% Omega3, your have 90% risk reduction for sudden cardiac death.
Have you been struggling with any these?
Acid Reflux / Heartburn
Constipation or Diarrhea
Joint Pain
Brain Fog
Headaches / Migraines
Anxiety / Depression
Auto-Immune Issues
Gas / Bloating
Muscle Weakness
Nausea / Vomiting
Urinary Tract Infections
Leaky Gut Syndrome
You are in the right place. These are all signs of an unbalanced digestive system.
Running the Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins lab will flush out what's going on inside.
Your Path to Wellness

Please note that Olive Dodd at Jump with Joy Wellness is an Integrative Health Practitioner and does not diagnose, cure, or treat any illness or disease. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice. It is my mission to teach, educate & promote healthy living - I love what I do & look forward to sharing my mission with you.
In Good Health